Bankers and politicians, exchanging positions
Ever campaigning, man - buy, buy, buy
The same men who conceived and constructed
Religion in boxes for three generations
Perfect world, perfect world
Actors and musicians, necessary distractions
From wars and acquisitions - close your eyes, close your eyes
Pay no attention to the king behind the curtain
More confident than certain
Perfect world, perfect world, perfect world
Fifty years of constant information
A billion screens all flickering in time, all in time
A century vacations while half a dozen voices
Scream six hundred stations
Perfect world
Monied interests fuel mass ignorance
Piggyback the poor man - what a ride, what a ride, what a ride
They hide inside temples re-crucifying Jesus
Brewing corporate diseases
Perfect world, perfect world
As if position could keep you from the grave
As if everyone weren't heading there in line, in a line
Advance is an illusion, it moves in one direction
With a flawless execution
Perfect world, perfect world
Perfect world, perfect world
Bankers and politicians, exchanging positions
Ever campaigning, man - buy, buy, buy
© Copyright 2011, Chris Castle. (BMI)